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BestBiz ToolBox Assured Connect

Never lose an opportunity because you couldn't pick up a call in time again.

Assured Connect ROI Calculator

ROI Calculator

ROI Calculator


Monthly $$$ Left on Table:

We Charge $297/month:

ROI: %

Get An Estimate Of How Much Your Missed Calls Are Costing You

  • Enter the average lifetime value of a customer

  • Enter an estimate of how many calls you miss per month

  • Enter the rate at which you close new sales

  • Hit Calculate and we'll show you how much money we can make you!

Automatically reconnect with missed callers

The average business misses 68% of incoming calls.

Engage with your customers via SMS

90% of consumers would prefer to communicate via text over phone.

Communicate on your phone or computer

Your entire team can see and respond to messages on phone or computer.

Sell more!

70% of missed calls are missed opportunities if you don't respond right away - get them back and turn them into sales!

How a Plan That Works

Free trial
Ships today
Products are free—Just cover

$3 shipping

Trial lasts about two weeks
ongoing shipments
Ships after your trial
$15/shipment, free US shipping
Shipments typically last 3 months

© 2024 Top of Your Game Marketing

© 2024 Top of Your Game Marketing